Words shape the drawing, yet offer no explanation. They are lines dispersed into a
ponderous mass. As images become material, objects, figures, moments, air, and words inhabit a surface, and reveal something fleeting and uncertain of their materiality. Drawing’s tendency to endlessly transform charges the whole of my imaginative process.
Through the proces I am speculating on visuals and messages from an ominous future. Watching in first person, intense moments play out in faded color. Dust, rain, and wings blur the edges off the frame. As these atmospheres expand into sculptural work, I join, cast, fire, glaze and carve material.
Sophie Mastenbroek
1998, The Hague
contact: sophmastenbroek@gmail.com
2019 Fine Art, Falmouth University, Cornwall, UK
2016 – 2020 Autonome Beeldende Kunst, Willem de Kooning Academie, Rotterdam
2022-heden Fine Art and Design in Education, HKU, Utrecht
2021 WDKA Graduation show, oktober, Rotterdam
2021 Human, de Beeldentuin, Zwammerdam, groep
2021 Sand Rays – earth drawing & drawing the earth, platform Talent – Room by RAM, Gallery Viewer, online solo
2021 ALL INN, Het Hem, Zaandam, groep
2020 Window Shopper, Hilton Art Lab, Rotterdam, Groep
2020 De Aanschouw, Rotterdam, Solo
2019 Tussen Kunst en Cool, Coolvishandel Willem, Rotterdam, Groep
2019 Proposals for change, gecureerd door Krijn de Koning, Wellington Terrace, Falmouth, Verenigd Koninkrijk, Groep
2019 Outside In, The Poly Falmouth, Verenigd Koninkrijk, Groep
2018 participant in the Blind Date, Codarts X WDKA, Rotterdam
2017 Badgasten, Oostelijk Zwembad,Rotterdam, deel van kunstroute Kralingen – Crooswijk, Groep